Water Leak Detection
A water leak in a damaged pipe can be costly partially
because of the high use water bill, but there can be side effects.
As much as regular water readings may be a Councils directive,
in most cases a wet area or a Council advice of increased usage
is the first warning, but major property damage can be a result of a water leak.
In the domestic situation (HDWL) records the meter reading not
only to note the size of the leak but some Councils have leak
detection policy allowing a claim for high water usage.
On occasion (HDWL) is required to trace sections of an underground
water service electronically, and there are a number of reasons,
one being, so that the leak position can be by passed, rather
than digging up a concrete driveway (Solutions).
So (HDWL) uses a sophisticated and effective audio acoustic
instrument. The sensitive ground microphone picks up the vibrations
of the water escaping and these frequencies of sound are amplified
and filtered to pinpoint the leak.
In some situations a safety check is recommended to clear the
area of services (ie electrical cables) Safety is always (HDWL)
number one priority.
